Whangārei drifters Whiter and Woolhouse in groundbreaking UK street event
With the motor sport of drifting virtually starting in Whangārei, it seems fitting that two drivers from the district have been invited to the latest international drifting event in the UK.
Gaz Whiter and 'Fanga' Dan Woolhouse, both from Whangārei, are among 12 drifters from around the world who have been invited to the Red Bull Drift Shifters event to be raced around the streets of Liverpool, England, on August 19.
The event features 12 of the world's top drifters and has a new format where the drifters do not race against each other.
Whiter said it was an honour to be invited to the event, but not entirely surprising there were two from Whangārei.
''Drifting more or less started in Whangārei, New Zealand, so it kinda makes sense (to have two drifters from the city take part),'' he said.
Whiter and Woolhouse have always had a keen rivalry, but this event is different.
By: Mike Dinsdale
Northern Advocate